Architecture Books – Week 21/2022
The latest review on A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books:
Archives Universum 01: Flores & Prats with texts by Carlos Quintáns and photographs by Juan Rodríguez, published by C2C Proyecto Editorial.
Architecture Book News:
Alexandra Papadakis points out to Dezeen how its Deconstructivism series overlooked the role her father, Andreas Papadakis, "played in defining the movement" through the numerous publications on Deconstruction at Architectural Design magazine and books at Academy Editions. (I recommend the Deconstruction, Omnibus Volume, which can be found cheap online.)
With the news recent that the Architectural Association has named Ingrid Schroder as the school’s new director, I just learned that the excellent and hard-to-find African Modernism: The Architecture of Independence. Ghana, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia, which Schroder co-wrote, is being rereleased by Park Books in November.
Marty Wood reviews Alejandro Zaera-Polo’s "theory of facades" for The Architect's Newspaper. (My review, last year, of the same, The Ecologies of the Building Envelope.)
ArchDaily rounds up some “Reading Spaces” that use “the book as an architectural element.”
Thought not strictly #archidosereads, this post on my Instagram feed reveals why I took a break on my book blog last week:
A few recently received books:
See these and more recently published and forthcoming architecture books on my blog and on my page.
This week I’m giving away a copy of Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction by Ian Thompson (Oxford University Press, 2014). If you'd like to win, just reply to this newsletter indicating so; I’ll pick one winner before next week’s newsletter.
Thank you for subscribing to A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books Newsletter. If you have any comments or questions, or want to see your book on my blog, please respond to this email, or comment below if you’re reading this online.
— John Hill