Architecture Books – Week 23/2022
(I finally figured out how to add links to the images in the newsletters, so anyone frustrated with clicking on an image only to open the same image in a browser will now be happy!)
The latest review on A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books:
Hutong Metabolism: ZAO/standardarchitecture, published by Aga Khan Award for Architecture and ArchiTangle.
Architecture Book News:
“The Lasting Significance of Eastern Bloc Architecture, According to Its Inhabitants”: Dwell has a feature on The Tenants, a new photography book from Zupagrafika that “portrays the remaining residents of prefab panel blocks.”
Over at Architect, Aaron Betsky (who 25 years ago wrote a book titled Queer Space) reviews the new British survey from RIBA Publishing, Queer Spaces, which “curates places to shelter and party around the world.”
Latest used bookstore find: Goldberg: Dans la Ville / On the City by Michel Ragon, a very rare monograph on Bertrand Goldberg, from a 1985 exhibition at Paris Art Center. It's a big, beautiful book:
A few recently received books:
See these and more recently published and forthcoming architecture books on my blog and on my page.
While I don’t have a giveaway this week, Archinect is giving away a handful of copies of my most recent book, Buildings in Print: 100 Influential & Inspiring Illustrated Architecture Books (Prestel, 2021). Details are here. Deadline is Friday, June 10th at 11pm PST.
Thank you for subscribing to A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books Newsletter. If you have any comments or questions, or want to see your book on my blog, please respond to this email, or comment below if you’re reading this online.
— John Hill