Architecture Books – Week 38/2021
Last week on A Daily Dose of Architecture Books:
The Ecologies of the Building Envelope: A Material History and Theory of Architectural Surfaces, by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Jeffrey S. Anderson, published by Actar Publishers.
A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences, by Shannon Mattern, published by Princeton University Press.
The Secrets of LEGO House: Design, Play, and Wonder in the Home of the Brick, by Jesús Díaz, published by Chronicle Books.
Where Are the Women Architects?, by Despina Stratigakos, published by Princeton University Press.
A lovely surprise: early copy of Michael Sorkin's posthumous 250 Things an Architect Should Know came in the mail today from @papress:
Coming up this week on A Daily Dose of Architecture Books:
Mid-Rise Urban Living, by Chris Johnson
Renegades: Bruce Goff and the American School of Architecture
And more!
This week I’m giving away one copy of Raw Earth as a Construction Material, written and published by LEVS architecten, the Dutch firm that has realized a number of buildings made from compressed earth blocks. I reviewed the book back in March. The winner of this giveaway (US addresses only, sorry) will be randomly picked from among the first five people replying to this newsletter and correctly answering this question:
What project is documented in Hassan Fathy’s Architecture for the Poor: An Experiment in Rural Egypt?
Thank you for subscribing to A Daily Dose of Architecture Books’ Weekly Newsletter. If you have any comments or questions, or want to see your book on my blog, please respond to this email, or comment below if you’re reading this online.
— John Hill